Frequently Asked Questions


What do you get when you choose Larkholme Pet Holidays?

  • Individual kennels with inside and outside areas
  • Fully air conditioned and heated with individual heat lamps to provide direct warmth
  • Bed & Bedding Included & Regularly Changed
  • All Food Included (if you would like)
  • Fresh Water and bowls (regularly replaced), both inside and outside pens
  • Plenty of exercise in our 16 fully secure paddocks and interaction with staff
  • Radio for comfort noise during the day
  • Quiet siesta time for all dogs
  • Individualised care for your pet
  • Older dog care plan
  • Younger dog care plan
  • Administration of medication
  • Fully Insured during the stay
  • Visits Welcomed by appointments from 10am -11am daily
  • Facebook and Instagram pictures of their stay
  • Fully licensed and inspected annually by the local authority.
  • On call vet available 24 hours a day with isolation facilities located at the vets
  • Lots of cuddles and love and we look after your pet as if they were part of our family
  • Secure Kennel and cattery blocks and CCTV of the site
  • Family run, where we live on site and provide 24 hour care for your pets
  • Level 3 qualified staff in animal care and kennel management
  • Most importantly, ensuring your pet is well cared for and happy


What does a dogs day look like?

The dog’s day start at 6am and they go out for toileting, they come back in again and have their breakfast. Once they have had a little rest from eating, they are back out in our exercise pens where we socialise and play with them. They return to their kennel bedrooms at 11 until 2 or 3 depending on the weather and then are out again exercising until 5pm when they come in for their dinner. Again, after a little rest the dogs are out again until 8pm when it is bedtime and lights out. The kennels are fully air conditions and heated and also have additional heat lamps should it get cold. We aim to give each pet who stays with us the best possible care and treat them as if they were our own. We offer Facebook and Instagram pictures so that you can see how they are getting on and you are more than welcome to text, ring or email to check on them.

What exercise do they get?

All dogs have lots of exercise during their day and time outside and with people is our ethos of ensuring happy animals.

We have 16 newly built individual exercise areas for dogs to play in. All dogs are in their own exercise paddock but they can see other dogs through the fencing. Dogs from the same family are exercised together. Each exercise paddock has different things to explore and we change the paddocks that the dogs go into so that there is always something new to explore.

During the summer months enrichment activities such as water play is encouraged and during other times of the year, we play sniffy and search games to encourage mental agility. We closely monitor behaviour and adapt play to suit individual needs.

All cats have scratching posts and toys to play with as well as a cardboard box with comfy blanket in. All cats have lots of interaction with us and are monitored closely to ensure we are providing the best of care.

What are the sleeping arrangements?

All dogs are in their own individual room which has an outside run attached to it. The rooms are fully are conditioned and also has its own heater. Pets from the same household can share a double or a triple room.

How many kennels and cattery chalets do you have?

There are 27 kennels available and 8 cat chalets.

How old do dogs and cats have to be?

All dogs are cats need to have had all their vaccinations to be able to board. If puppies and kittens are well socialised, we will be happy to discuss the possibility of taking them and putting in place our young pet care plan.

Similarly, if you are worried about your older pet, we can put in place our older pet care plan which ensures shorter exercise times, grippy blankets on floors and ramps to get up and down steps.


All cats and dogs must be fully vaccinated and for dogs this includes kennel cough which must be given at least 3 weeks prior to boarding. In some situations, dogs cannot be given kennel cough and if this is the case, please do get in touch with us.

Will you take my dog if they are in season?

Yes, we will still take your dog if they are in season. Please just let us know.

What is your cancellation policy?

We understand that in life things change so we ask that you contact us as soon as possible to let us know that your stay is cancelled. If cancellation is withing 7 days of your stay then full payment will be invoiced to you.

If you choose to shorten your stay then the full length of stay is still payable. There is no reduction in collecting early.

How and when do we pay?

The cost is per day or part thereof. On Christmas day, Boxing Day and Easter Sunday the rate is doubled.

Payment is on collection via card, BACS or cash.

BACS details:

Larkholme Pet Holidays


A/C 60410063

We are VAT registered so if you would like a VAT receipt, please let one of us know.

Is there a deposit payable?

There is no deposit payable. All we ask is that if we have emailed with confirmation that I have booked you in and you change your mind that you let us know as soon as possible and before 7 days of your stay.

What forms do I complete?

As a new customer you are required to complete the following registration form: here

and an electronic registration:

As well as completing the printable form which can be found on the original booking email.


We can provide wet and dry food along for your pet and this is included in the price. If you dog or cat is on a specific diet or have sensitive tummies, please bring your own food along with how much they are given per meal.

We also provide treats for pets in our care but you are welcome to provide more and we will be happy to give them to them at specific times. Likewise, if you would rather your pet does not have treats that is fine and we will refrain.

We cannot serve raw food.


We can administer medication both prescribed and over the counter to your animals. All medication is locked away securely and recorded when given.

What happens in a medical emergency?

We have an agreement with a couple of the vet practices in Hereford to provide emergency vet care and isolation care for any of our boarding animals.

You will need to supply an emergency contact detail for someone other than yourself who would be contactable. If something happens, we will attempt to contact you first and then your emergency contact. If the emergency is life threatening, we will seek vet treatment first and then contact you.

Is there a cancellation/waiting list?

Yes, we have a cancellation and waiting list available as we do get booked up very quickly. Please email contact@larkholme.co.uk with dates and we will put you on the list and contact you should we get a cancellation.

My dog is very nervous what shall I do?

We have had a lot of nervous dogs stay with us and we pride ourselves with bonding with these dogs to ensure they feel safe and secure within our care.

We do take dogs that take anxiety medication and we tailor our approach to each dog that comes in. We will take our time to ensure the dogs in our care and gain their trust.

It is a good idea to have a trial stay with us if you think your dog is nervous around new people.

Please do talk to us should your dog be nervous and you are thinking of putting your dog in kennels with us.

Nervousness can make some dogs present with aggressive behaviour. Where any dog that shows aggression or tries to bite, we will contact the owners and ask them to collect the dog. Your emergency contact should be able to handle your dog, should you not be able to get back to them.

Is kennels the right place for my dog?

The majority of dogs love kennels and coming to stay with us especially. However, some very nervous dogs or dogs that do not like other dogs, it is not the best setting for them. We offer a trial stay, where you drop off your dog/s at 9am one day and collect them at9am the next day. This lets the dogs see all of our routines and also the short stay lets them know they are being collected by their owners. We can also assess whether kennels is the right place for them. We will talk to you and offer further trial stays should we think they are necessary. The most important thing is that we get it right for your pet so that they are happy.

My dog is not used to being left, will it be ok?

We find that dogs quickly fit into a routine and settle very quickly. If you are worried then we offer trial days and night stays so that they can get used to being left and then being reunited with you. There is no limit to the amount of trial nights we can arrange for you. Please just get in touch and talk to us about arranging something. On rare occasions where dogs do not settle we will talk to you about this as we only want the best for your dog.

What is your XL Bully policy?

The Bully XL ban is explained fully here:



We understand and appreciate that it is a difficult and emotive subject and at Larkholme we want all our dogs to be loved and safe here. However, we also are subject to the statutory guidance from the Government and must adhere to, for insurance purposes, their policies.

Should you think your dog may be classified as a Bully XL we ask that you a) inform us of this; b) provide your exemption certificate and or c) provide a letter confirming from your vets that they are not classified as a Bully XL.

If we believe a dog could be classified as a Bully XL under the government guidance and we do not have the exemption certificate and or a letter from the vets saying they are not a Bully XL, we will not be able to take your dog.

How are we Licensed?

We are licensed by government statutory which can be found here:



We have regular inspections from the council and are given a star rating. We are currently 5*rated for dogs and 3* rated for cats.

How can we leave a review?

We welcome all review and you are welcome to do that on Facebook or google.

If you could please leave us a review we would be very grateful: https://g.page/r/CY6T2CjD6QzzEAI/review

Our ethos

We are a family run business and we ensure all animals under our care are treated as part of our family. Our ethos is time outside and time with people so that dogs and cats are stimulated and well exercised. Nothing is too much to ensure your pets happiness and comfort.

Our staff

The business is run by Clare & Bruce, along with Chris, Clare’s dad. You will often see their children and animals as this really is a family business.

Clare is level 3 qualified in animal care and management, as are all the staff employed. All staff are Pet First Aid qualified and Clare also has qualifications in Holistic Natural Care for Canines. We maintain high professional standards and are continually updating our training and knowledge.

We have 4 permanent staff and 4 holiday staff. We also take work experience students.

Clare and the family opened Larkholme Pet Holiday’s in 2022 following a career in law spanning two decades. Clare has worked in the city as well as having taught and researched law at various universities world wide. She has numerous books and journal publications but her heart always drawn her back to animals. Following Covid, Clare decided it was time for a change and Larkholme Pet Holidays was born.